

You will receive your order within a maximum of 7 to 10 days after ordering on the site. A confirmation email with your tracking number will be sent to you as soon as your package is shipped from our warehouse.

As soon as your order is shipped from our warehouse you will receive a tracking link by email allowing you to follow its progress. As soon as your order is shipped from our warehouse you will receive a tracking link by email allowing you to follow its progress.

Yes, absolutely. We deliver worldwide.

We do our best to resolve any problems our customers may encounter with their online items. If you still wish to receive a refund on your order, we can of course complete the payment, in case the appeal is made within 30 days of the order date and the product(s) concerned are not on sale. For more information, please read more about our refund policy.

We accept all major credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX) and PayPal payments. However, we do not accept checks, money orders or bank transfers